The Brass Knuckle Barber Co. is a mobile barbershop that specialises in all aspects of barbering. From classic to modern.
We deliver great customer service at all our locations across the Cambridge area from our customised mini bus.
To contact Brass Knuckle Barber Co. please use the below information:
email: brassknucklebarberco@gmail.com
Tel: 07596 227 001
Information of our current operating locations and the services offered are below.
Arm Holdings
110 Fulbourn Rd, Cambridge CB1 9NJ, UK
Every Tuesday 9am - 5:30pm
Cambourne Business Park
Cambourne Road,
Cambourne CB23 6DW
Every Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Every Thursday 9am - 7:30pm
Every Friday 9am - 5:30pm
Papworth Business Park
Atria Court, Papworth Business Park, Stirling Way
Cambridge CB23 3GY
Every Saturday 8am - 2:30pm